Friday, January 16, 2009

November 22, 2008 10am

Today is Sunday. It has been raining since noon on Wednesday. I washed my clothes Tuesday late afternoon and they weren’t dry so I left them out on Wednesday morning while I went to the office. So they got wet again and they will remain wet until the sun comes out as I have yet to see an electric dryer in this country. Let me take a moment to say that they definitely exist, as a few weeks ago I met some young women my age who were so privileged as to never have done their own laundry…these types of young women and their families do not live in the campo…but that’s a whole ‘nother entry. It has actually stopped raining but the sun still has not made its appearance. I didn’t think it was possible for it to rain three and a half days straight or that wool sweaters were really an appropriate thing to pack for two years on a Caribbean island…Turns out that both are the case.

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