Friday, June 12, 2009

The Green Brigade

My environmental group of youth, though young and wild, is passionate, positive and fun. They are constantly asking me to plan field trips and since we live within hiking distance of a few gorgeous rivers I took them for a morning of swimming, eating and picking up trash. Another reminder that we live in a paradise…

What other youth group do you know that has to defeather the chicken for lunch before they leave for a field trip?
They wanted so bad to just snatch a tiny bit of the tabacco being dried by a local farmer, though not one of the 20 smokes.
Fresh water crab - catch and release of course.

The waterfall during a time of rain.

The group's four females.

We can't go anywhere without getting in a little batting practice with whatever stick is laying around.

It took me in drill sargent mode to get them back up the hill.

Many swore they would not walk the next day.

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