Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ms. Hunt goes to Washington (to visit Mr. Smith)

I took the fact that my Peace Corps staging event was in Washington D.C. as an opportunity to go early and see the sights! My friend Mr. Smith (and his housemates) were gracious enough to let me crash at their place for nearly a week and so I spent the days visiting monuments that are important to me, taking advantage of the (free) museums that my tax money supports and dropping in on one of my Senators – just to make sure she was voting in line with my beliefs…really, I just wanted to get my picture taken with her!

My favorite place was the Senate. I was so excited to be sitting in the gallery watching the Senators debate war funding that I was nearly late for my first Peace Corps event! I saw Joe Lieberman, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid and John Kerry in the hour that I sat there enthralled. I’ll be back in two years or so! Hopefully a certain someone will be in the Whitehouse instead of on the Senate floor by then…I saw his desk too!

While in the D.C. area I also went to Baltimore to visit my good friend, Kate, who just took a job out there! Baltimore was a ton of fun…I highly recommend Brick Oven Pizza at Fell’s Point. I’ve eaten a lot of pizza in this world but this is certainly in the top 5!

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